Frankie Valet with Let's Not and Aquitaine

FRANKIE VALET pushes its new-fangled indie gems out in good old-fashioned lo-fi songs written between shifts of waiting tables, drowning under student loan debt and spending what little money is left to drive across the country to play basements and house shows

LET'S NOT - "[A] compelling middle ground between the crash-and-crunch of vintage Superchunk and the moody textures of the Cure" - Christian Schaeffer - RIverfront Times

AQUITAINE is back!!!!!! After a year out in the woods, this quartet will open this free show at 9 pm. The band brings a wall of sound built from the very best bricks of Britpop, shoegaze and post-punk power.

Event Properties

Event Date 08-31-2018 9:00 pm
Location Schlafly Tap Room